Which Gallery Leather Planner is right for you?
Each year, Gallery Leather helps customers achieve their goals with great planners.
There are many different types of planners, and no one-size-fits-all planner exists. A planner that works well for one person may be useless to another.
I wanted to find a solution to help our customers know which planners fit them best. So, I investigated which kind of planner fits best for each work category.
Customers with similar jobs tend to order the same planners. As a result, I found that our planners fit into six categories.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator™ (MBTI) lists sixteen personality types. To make this article more useful, I have assigned one or more of these categories to each planner below.

Performers (INFP, ESFP, and ESTP)
Programming Hosts (ISFJ, ESFJ)
Freelancers (ENFP, ENTP, ISTP)
Detail-Oriented Workers (ISTJ)
Skilled Workers (ENTJ, INFJ, ESTJ)
Project-Based Workers (ENFJ, INTJ, ISFP, INTP)
How to Use These Suggestions
The suggestions below assume that a person is working in a job that fits their personality well. If your job doesn’t match your personality, adjust your planner based on your type.
Also, these suggestions are not set in stone. Many factors affect which planner fits us best.
We hope the suggestions below help you decide if a new planner might work better for you.
Not sure which planner is your perfect match? Reach out to us today. We welcome you to write us or chat with us via our website. You could also call one of our customer service representatives. We are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:15 PM at (877) 811-7901. Learn more about our talented team of customer service reps here!

Category 1: Performers (INFP, ESFP, and ESTP)
Many of our customers have a skill set that allows them to arrive and do their jobs. They just need to know when and where to show up.
Nurses often work three days on and four days off. Performance artists or musicians heading out on tour need to know the next stop. And in a week, wedding singers will sing at several locations.
Each of them must know where to be and when to be there.
For those who work like this, our Pocket or Desk Monthly Planners may fit them best.
We have an alternative available for those who live or work in a big city in the United States. If this fits you, we would recommend one of our Manhattan or Metro planners. Both provide pertinent information about the city you call home, at your fingertips.
The planners listed above are great for Performers, because:
- They fit in a pocket or purse for ready access when needed
- They show the entire month at a glance, on a two-page spread
- As a result, it is easy to know whether a special event conflicts with your work schedule
These planners are designed for those who have flexible schedules. Others are useful to those who love to organize things, such as Programming Hosts.

Category 2: Programming Hosts (ISFJ, ESFJ)
Programming and event hosts use their attention to detail to plan public events. Librarians, activity directors, and event planners are examples of these. For them, Large Monthly Planners often work best.
- They help them keep track of the details of events
- They also make it easy to prepare calendar handouts
Event hosts often want to stay in touch with attendees, so they also like our guest books. A Guest Book provides a useful way to keep in touch and creates a lasting keepsake.
Event hosts encourage visitors to come out and attend their activities… and Freelancers use their skills to encourage clients to invite them into their homes.

Category 3: Freelancers (ENFP, ENTP, ISTP)
Freelancers and trade workers usually do not rent an office of their own. Instead, they work at many job sites. The hours they work depend on how long it takes to finish the job at each location. Once they have finished, they can then move on to the next client’s house.
Here are some of the jobs Freelancers work:
- Landscapers
- Cleaning Service Company Managers
- Consultants
- Electricians
- Plumbers
- Construction Workers
Their lives revolve around a manageable list of appointments. In each location, they get paid for each hour they work, or by completing the job according to the agreement.
Thus, Freelancers often buy our Desk or Large Weekly Planner. However, we recommend you consider the Desk Weekly Hourly Planner as well. It’s like the Desk Weekly planner, except that it divides the rows for each day into half-hour slots. Those slots range from 8 AM to 5 PM.
These planners will work great if you are a Freelancer yourself.
- Easily fit in a briefcase or the truck glove compartment
- Help you set goals
- Plenty of room to write down the important work details for each job
- You can review the details of what happened at a previous work site
- You can keep track of miles traveled and hours worked each day
Freelancers need to keep track of details, but not as many of them as those in our next category.

Category 4: Detail-Oriented Workers (ISTJ)
Detail-oriented workers are a cut above, in a category of their own. They love finding and fixing difficult but important mistakes. As a result, they keep businesses and dreams on track.
The ISTJ personality type is considered to be the most detail-oriented of all. They are often described as meticulous and with a keen eye for specifics. They focus on concrete details and observations, often double-checking information to ensure accuracy.
Detail-Oriented Workers work as:
- Accountants
- Proofreaders
- Auditors
- Quality Inspectors
- Editors
So, for them, our Desk Daily Planner is the most useful one. It has a full page for each weekday, and a page for each weekend. This gives you plenty of space to store useful facts for the year. With this planner, you can keep them all in one book that fits nicely on your shelf. So, when it comes time to write a report, the details of what matters are right there.
The Desk Daily planner is what we recommend for Detail-oriented workers. For Skilled Workers, we have another planner to recommend.

Category 5: Skilled Workers (ENTJ, INFJ, ESTJ)
Many of our customers have an office where patients or clients show up.
The lives of these managers, counselors, doctors, and supervisors revolve around appointments. They may even hire staff to keep everything straight.
If you have an appointment, see if they are using one of our Professional or Family Planners. Our customers love them! We sell thousands of these two planners each year.
- Both planners have vertical columns representing the days of the week
- Each day is divided into thirty-minute time slots
- The Professional Planner has spots for appointments from 7:00 AM to 7:30 PM
- The Family Planner runs an hour earlier (from 6 AM to 6:30 PM), and has a place for a to-do list at the bottom of each day
- The back of the Professional Planner has ample pages to keep notes
- The back of the Family Planner has tear-out lists. Use them for grocery shopping, errands, or packing
A doctor’s or manager’s office can be quite large. But our last category includes those whose offices are even larger.

Category 6: Project-Based Workers (ENFJ, INTJ, ISFP, INTP)
Some of our customers work on a project basis. That is, they spend their days accomplishing goals. And each goal requires them to get a certain number of tasks done.
In this category, engineers create machines. Designers develop fashionable clothing. Architects design bridges and homes.
Project-based workers analyze resources and take steps to complete goals. Their office could be a classroom, a lab, an airplane hangar, or a warehouse.
For example, a teacher has lesson plans for the week. She sets goals for what her students will learn and prepares lesson plans. These help her complete the goal of teaching her students.
Project-based workers finish some tasks in a particular order. Other tasks are completed according to priority. As a result, they need a planner that gives them ample space to write. This allows them to keep track of plans, challenges, and resources.
Are you a Project-based worker? If so, we created the Academic Planner and Harbor Planner Journal just for you!
- Both planners are one of our largest sizes: 9″ tall by 7″ wide
- The days of the week fit on the left page
- The right side is a place to keep track of goals and aspects of the project to work on.
With one of these planners in hand, who knows what innovations can become reality?

Our Gallery Leather Planners are tools designed with you in mind.
- You know what time the events of the day begin and end,
- where you need to be, and
- who is coming to see you.
- They also allow you to track the progress you are making toward accomplishing a goal, big or small,
- and gives you a look back at the end of the year.
With the right tools, you can achieve your goals effectively.
By integrating Gallery Leather planners into your routine, you not only organize your day, but you also lay the groundwork for achieving your long-term aspirations.
– David Faris
Gallery Leather Customer Service